Saturday, April 23, 2011

New Path of Life

*230411, sat.. sunny day..*

Actually right now, I have lots of things are reaching my neck and yet, I suddenly thought of that I had blog which I poured out all my feelings and thoughts, sharing updates of me too.

Right now, Im indeed working in a not-so-bad job which undertakes a lot of patients, courages and commitment. It had been nearly a month, kicking off as a permanent employee. Well, working life is always complicated and never easy. Knowing all this ever since I step out to do my event during uni life, and its even more 'special' when Im in it now de.

Maybe as a freshie, walking path is not easy at ALL. When you're right at the bottom, you only need to strive harder and harder in order gain pride in future. Thats what Im reminding myself every single moment when Im puzzled with feelings and stress.

Thank god, social environment aint that bad as there's still humans around and not only have MONSTERsss who trying to take my life. As at now, enjoying the moments we had and shared and thats why I still here even though I was offered other company which I hope to join in so much. I declined it as I keen to like this present job an hope to explore and walk on further with achievement and success when time comes...

May things goes on smoothly and even there's obstacles, hope that there's still a window open for me to breath...
